Real-time video transmission requires a dedicated streaming server. The video file is stored on this server and does not need to be downloaded to your hard drive to view.


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Real-time video transmission

MPV player

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Video transmittion

Real-time video transmission requires a dedicated streaming server. The video file is stored on this server and does not need to be downloaded to your hard drive to view. The user can start watching the video from any moment without waiting for the file to download. Real-time video transmission is useful for broadcasting long files.

Streaming servers provide the ability to control media transmission, however, they are more complex to set up and administer than regular HTTP servers. In addition to special servers, special network protocols are also used, for example, RTSP (Real-Time Streaming Protocol). This protocol is used by Windows Media by default, but is also supported by Real Video.

RTSP is a protocol that allows controlled transmission of a video stream over the Internet. The protocol provides for the transfer of information in the form of packets between the server and the client. In this case, the recipient can simultaneously play the first data packet, decode the second and receive the third.

The RTP protocol (Real-time transport protocol) detects and compensates for lost packets, ensures the security of content transmission and information recognition. Together with RTP, the RTCP (Real-Time Control Protocol) protocol works. It is responsible for checking the identity of sent and received packets, identifies the sender and controls network congestion. Formats

There are several main formats for streaming video on the Internet. These are Real Media, Windows Media and Quicktime. Until recently, MPEG was widely used along with them, however, recently it has lost ground.